• Yakami Orchards Ginger Ponzu 375 ml
  • Yakami Orchards Ginger Ponzu 375 ml
  • Yakami Orchards Ginger Ponzu 375 ml
  • Yakami Orchards Ginger Ponzu 375 ml
  • Yakami Orchards Ginger Ponzu 375 ml

    Yakami Orchards Ginger Ponzu 375 ml

    A classic Ponzu, thoughtfully crafted in small batches using the freshest ingredients aged precisely to allow the complex flavors to reach harmonious perfection. A delightful balance of Cedar Aged Rice Vinegar, Mirin, fresh-spicy Ginger, and the peppery-cumin citrus of Sudachi Lime come together with a round Umami finish of White Shoyu, Bonito and Kombu Seaweed. A perfect mix of tangy and tart, sweet and savory. Perfect for salads & vegetables, sauces & bases, grilled poultry and red meats. A must-try for all Japanese cuisine enthusiasts. PACKAGING Case: 6 x 375ml/12oz FLAVOR Complex, Spicy Ginger and Peppery-Cumin Sudachi Lime Citrus are balanced with an Umami base of Cedar Aged Rice Vinegar, Sweet Mirin, White Shoyu, Konbu and Bonito. COLOR Unfiltered Pastel Yellow and Brown of the Ginger Root STORAGE Shelf Stable, See Best By Date – Refrigerate After Opening ORIGIN Bottled In USA ALLERGENS Contains Soy, Wheat, and Fish As An Ingredient
    Regular price $22.00