• Yakami Orchards Tomato Ponzu 750 ml
  • Yakami Orchards Tomato Ponzu 750 ml
  • Yakami Orchards Tomato Ponzu 750 ml
  • Yakami Orchards Tomato Ponzu 750 ml
  • Yakami Orchards Tomato Ponzu 750 ml

    Yakami Orchards Tomato Ponzu 750 ml

    A classic Ponzu, skillfully crafted in the Kyoto Tradition. Cedar-aged Rice Vinegar and Mirin are delicately married with a vibrant Momotaro Tomato broth and peppery-cumin Sudachi Lime citrus with the exceptional Umami balance of Takuko Organic Tamari, Bonito, and Kombu Seaweed. Works beautifully with brunch cocktails, fish & shellfish, salads & vegetables, dumplings or marinades. A must for all Japanese Cuisine enthusiasts. PACKAGING Case: 6 x 750ml/25.36oz FLAVOR Exceptionally Balanced, Bright, and Clean. Cedar-Aged-Rice Vinegar and Mirin come together perfectly with an Earthy Tomato Broth and fresh Sudachi Lime and finish with a round Umami fusion of Tamari, Bonito, and Kombu Seaweed. COLOR Unfiltered Earthy Tomato-Red STORAGE Shelf Stable, See Best By Date – Refrigerate After Opening ORIGIN Bottled In USA ALLERGENS Contains Soy and Fish As Ingredients
    Regular price $36.50